Frequently asked questions
Why is the capital named Petrograd instead of Saint Petersburg if the events of the game take place before 1914?
One probably shouldn’t expect historical accuracy from a game partially inspired by a science fiction novel. The game takes place in an alternate history. That’s also why the surname of the ruling dynasty is Romeyev, not Romanov.
What is the game’s genre?
Adventure, action, stealth; a story single-player game with a third-person view.
Is the game related to real historical events?
The plot is based on a piece of fantastic fiction, so any coincidences with real events or people are accidental.
Is the game related to H.G. Wells’s book?
The game’s storyline expands the universe created by H.G. Wells, but doesn’t repeat it. The description of individual events or objects may differ from that in the book in order to improve the plot of the story or the game’s scenario.
Technical Questions
Which platforms will be available?
Windows PC with full controller support, but consoles are also possible.
Which technologies are used in the game?
Unity Engine as well as our own developments and improvements.
Where can the game be purchased?
In digital stores along with other 1CGS games (presumably Steam, VK Play).
Will there be a demo or a trial version?
Is the game development being funded by the state?
This game is a commercial product of our studio. No funds from any foundations or other organizations were involved. So, the game will be as we designed it to be.
Will there be multiplayer modes (competitive or cooperative)?
There are no plans.

How is the game narrated?
Through cutscenes created with motion and facial expressions capture; through character dialogues, collectibles, level design. The storyline is linear and has one ending. The player participates in unraveling the plot, but doesn’t create it.

What will the gameplay be like?
Exploration (you’ll have to explore the game world and find valuable objects), fights (with fists, sticks, axes, sabers, etc.), gunfights (realistic weapons from the late 19th century as well as traps and explosives), stealth (taking into account noise level, non-lethal techniques, and baits).

What types of locations are in the game?
A set game zone where there is no open world and fast travel. The player can return to a previous location by save loading.

Will there be customization in the game?
There are no plans to change the appearance of the main character, but it may change according to the storyline.

If you haven’t found an answer to your question, please write to us on the project's social media channels. Also, please subscribe to receive information about the game and its development as well as about our studio.
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